The Xenogeneic Born in the Bone Blood

Han Sen looked at Fox Queen without speaking. Truth be told, he didn't actually believe everything that she had told him.

People say that beautiful women are often liars. Judging from how pretty she was, she had to be an absolutely fantastic liar.

Fox Queen seemed to be aware of Han Sen's thoughts, and she shot him a quick grin. "If you don't believe me, then why don't you wait here for a little while? When you see the xenogeneic, you'll know the truth."

Han Sen didn't speak, and she didn't either. They sat atop the peak together in silence. She had tucked her knees into her chest and wrapped her arms around them, leaving her bare feet visible beyond the edges of her clothes. A drizzle of rain fell upon her hair. Her clear eyes were dazzlingly attractive. If people didn't know her, they would believe she was a delicate and sentimental lady.