Beast Soul Combined

Bao Ying stayed in the garden for some time. She read about manners to Han Sen, but it was more like she was reading a book.

Han Sen felt a little strange about it. No matter how strong the Extreme King was, he did not think they were strong enough to use deified elites for a maid. A maid like Bao Ying was being treated as a usual servant.

Plus, Bao Ying must have come from Bao King's faction. If that was true, there was no way she was a mere maid. Although Bao King's faction did not control the government, no matter what happened, the deifieds of Bao King's faction would never be treated so poorly as to be made lowly maids and waiters.

It seems as if people like Bao Ying have a big story behind them. Han Sen was not interested in Bao Ying's secrets. He kept her there because there might be a time when he needed people to read him stories about the Extreme King.