Lost Land

"Can I go with you to the Real Old System?" Han Sen asked. "I want to help out the Extreme King too."

"If you want to go, you need to ask Second Uncle," Bao Ying said. "He is in charge this time."

"OK. Take me to see Second Uncle." Han Sen did not know if he would actually be allowed to leave the Extreme King, but he wanted to use this opportunity to test the boundaries and length of Bai King's leash on him. In addition to that, he wanted to know who was pretending to be him. He had killed an Extreme King deified.

Han Sen had wanted to do that a long time ago, but he had never received the chance.

Bao Ying did not deny Han Sen's request. She took Han Sen to see Second Uncle.

Second Uncle did not decline Han Sen's request to join them. He just said he needed Bai King's blessing to make the decision and ensure he was allowed to go with them. So, he had Han Sen wait for the news.