God and Immortality

Han Sen looked at Han Yufei as he said, "If you are willing to explain, then I should be able to understand."

Han Yufei was non-committal. She coldly said, "Aside from Ancient God and God Spirits, the universe's creatures have a mortal life. Do you know what determines their lifespan?"

Han Sen thought about it and said, "Different creatures all have different lengths of life. That is usually determined by their genes."

Han Yufei nodded. "Indeed, unless they die by accident. Otherwise, what affects their lifespan is usually down to what is in their genes. Different creatures have different genes that determine the length of their life. But that is not something absolute. In fact, many other variables can affect a lifespan. For example, there is cryosleep technology in the universe. That is very common. It can slow down the renewal of genes and extend one's life."