Shadow God

"Sacred's remnants, come out and die!" A godly voice echoed throughout space. The ice walls of the ice bunker's laboratory exploded. The tools were breaking and falling apart.

Han Yufei's eyes suddenly looked cold. She was holding a scalpel. She ran out of the ice bunker's laboratory and exited the ice bunker. She pulled a metal orb out of her pocket and threw it.

That metal orb fired out some light. The lights crossed each other to become a bai sema. It protected the ice bunker from further harm and filtered out the godly voice. The lab stopped breaking.

Han Sen and Dragon Lady ran out of the ice bunker's laboratory. The space around them turned dark. It was like the whole cold plant was disconnected from the world.

In the darkness, there was a black shadow floating in the air. It coldly looked at them. The scary god sounds came out from that shadow.