Book of Death (2)


Canary rejoiced at the sight of Shira. However, she wasn't joyous that Shira was here in time, but was glad that Rhode had finally arrived! Canary retreated immediately, knowing that this summoned spirit of Rhode was somewhat erratic and would hit anyone whenever she was in a frenzy. Canary wasn't willing to be her punching bag, so the moment she saw Shira, she got away and dodged. And almost at the same time, the black torrent that was supposed to slam onto Canary wrapped around Shira from head to toe instead!

If it were someone else, perhaps one would be dead instantly. But for Shira… Death was her best friend.


The instant that black torrent engulfed her, the scarlet longsword in Shira's hands split it apart like Moses parting the sea, slicing through the darkness of death. Shortly after, she brought along her usual, characteristic laughter and brandished her sword at the Chaos Lord!
