Book of Death (1)


Facing the fire serpent, the mysterious Chaos Lord responded with an attack of its own. It spread its arms apart, and shortly after, flames of black and white rose from the ground, forming a solid barrier to resist the fire serpent. The fire serpent crashed head first into the bizarre wall of fire, but what happened left Canary staring in amazement. The fire serpent she created was actually 'sucked' into the barrier and disappeared to nowhere!?

What exactly is going on? Could it be that this BOSS has a certain degree of immunity against magical attacks? In that case, this battle will be almost impossible! Based on the earlier clashes, this BOSS seems to possess extraordinary skills against close-combat classes. But now, long-range magical spells also don't seem to work either. This Chaos Lord is truly terrifying.

However, what surprised her even more was still coming.