
Who wants to see him?

When the people of the Mirror Dimension received news of what had happened, everybody was in shock.

Perhaps if a regular Saint had fallen, people would not have been so astonished.

But the fight between the two Saints was so cruel.

And the person who died was a founding being of this dimension- an unmatched existence!

He was a figure who had gone through the war of the solar system, killed plenty of other Saints and founded the School of Heavenly Day. That was who Chi Tian Meng was!

His 13 children had all achieved Sainthood since a long time ago.

His legacy could have been written into books and could fill an entire bookshelf!

How could a being like that die?

And so pathetically at that?

Broken arms, a severed head and a destroyed soul!

Who could be that powerful?

The entire Mirror Dimension was bustling.

Many ancient creatures had been disturbed, everyone was fascinated.