
What are you looking at?

"Whatever you say... you won’t be making decisions for yourself in your position anyway," the voice sounded sympathetic.

"Yeah…" Xu Xiao Xian sighed and looked longingly into the distance.

"I was the happiest back when I was on Earth, what a pity…".

"There’s nothing to be regretful about, you have to make sacrifices for greater ambitions.".

"But I never had any great ambitions," she laughed at herself.

"Perhaps I am just an unmotivated person at heart, and I was never meant to amount to great things.".

"Don’t say that, you are most outstanding.".

"Teacher, why are there conflicts in our world?" Xu Xiao Xian quietly asked.

"How childish," said a voice.

She pouted and continued, "I once heard a saying: where man walks there will be war, because all man, no matter how noble or ordinary, have desires.".

"Why are you lamenting if you understand how things work already?".