
Come Back to Quench the Fires

Chu Yu cringed a little, "Miss Qu Ni is into these talks of ridicule as well?".

She pushed up her glasses and looked at him seriously, "Our world needs an Emperor right now.".

"So I conveniently end up with the title? Shouldering the heavens and stepping on the ground?" Chu Yu rolled his eyes.

"Cut the jokes, let's go," Elder Black Dragon chided.

He jostled them into the secret chamber.

Qu Ni began her lecture, "Firstly…".

Elder Black Dragon waved her away impatiently, "Qu Ni you hold on.".

Qu Ni was sitting grumpily.

"About our situation now.".

"Let me elaborate," she interjected.

"The world is in chaos and we need to resume peace, good enough?".

Elder Black Dragon wanted to curse at her but eventually sighed, "You are right.".

Miss Qu Ni pouted spitefully.

"Let's not talk about history, if we do, it would take us more than three days and three nights.".

"Let's talk about the present.".