
My Mother is Great

Not many people were concerned about the post by Xu Xiao Xian.

The number of posts which were posted by people posing as Chu Yu's family were far too many. Its contents were both juicy and unthinkable, there was nothing they could not think of.

That was why, initially, no one paid much attention to what Xu Xiao Xian had to say.

However, after others reposted it, it had gone viral.

"Chu Yu, rush home and put out the fire! Ha ha ha…" That was the great thief gloating at him.

"Brother, what did you do? Look at me#@#...^$&*," That was Fan Jian, no one knew what he meant when he typed those symbols at the back of the sentence.

"Brother, it seems like you already have 2 wives? Not bad, congratulations," that was Zhao Man Tian.

These few people who replied were close friends of Chu Yu, everyone knew that.

If it were just them who replied, it would definitely seem like a joke. But there was a person who replied, that muddled Chu Yu's mind, making him emotional within moments.