Gu Yue vs Xie Xie

Gu Yue didn’t even spare a glance for him. Instead, she looked all around at her surroundings with complete curiosity.

Wu Zhangkong shot her a glance. “Looking down on your opponent isn’t the smartest behaviour.”

Gu Yue said, “I’m not looking down on him!” Although that’s what her mouth said, her eyes seemed to be saying that Xie Xie wasn’t even worth looking down upon.

Wu Zhangkong spoke no further. He diverted his attention back to the students who were running instead.

Although Tang Wulin’s pace couldn’t be considered fast, it was exceptionally steady, even with the two metal shirts he wore. Like this, Tang Wulin somehow ran at the forefront. The person behind him was Zhou Zhangxi, whose body’s strength undoubtedly gave him an advantage in physical training such as this.

Tang Wulin’s attention was diverted to the center of the field as he ran. He was curious as to why this girl had suddenly appeared.