Gu Yue

Xie Xie was somewhat vexed as he said, “Why are you speaking so awkwardly? You don’t need to thank me. I just don’t like it when people bully others with numbers, or when the big bully the small.”

Tang Wulin smiled. “We’re friends now.”

Xie Xie’s mouth twitched. “You make friends too easily. I don’t consider you my friend yet.”

Tang Wulin said, “That’s not important.”

Xie Xie soon began to regret the words he had said to Wu Zhangkong. Wu Zhangkong was definitely a teacher who was true to his word. He immediately began the physical training class he had spoken of the day before.

The basics of physical training was running.

In the intermediate division of Eastsea Academy, there was a track field with an 800 meter long loop. They were ordered by Wu Zhangkong to run ten laps around this track in the morning as a warm up.