The Skyfrost Annihilation of the Demonic Tiger

The Ice Fire Demon Tiger unleashed a heaven-shaking roar that released a blazing fireball straight at Wu Zhangkong. It paid no heed to the Tang Wulin who was hiding behind Wu Zhangkong.

The fireball expanded as it shot forward, spanning a diameter of one meter.

Wu Zhangkong’s soul rings glowed as he stepped forward with his left foot and thrust his Skyfrost Sword forward. The azure sword shone with a resplendent sapphire color as a sword light flew out to meet the fireball.

Even though the fireball burned with a scorching heat, it was no match for Wu Zhangkong’s sword light and burst the moment they touched. In the face of his sword, neither heat nor flame could survive.

Tang Wulin wanted to cheer. This is true strength! He couldn’t sense any soul power fluctuating around Wu Zhangkong; clearly, Wu Zhangkong had mastered soul power compression to a high level and was able to internalize it all.

Teacher Wu also cultivates the Mysterious Heaven Method!