Ice Fire Demonic Tiger

Lush foliage monopolized this viridian world, the differences between the intermediate and elementary levels minute but Tang Wulin was still aware they existed.

It was highly likely he would encounter thousand-year soul beasts in the intermediate level. There was even a small chance of encountering powerful ten-thousand-year soul beasts!

Wu Zhangkong stood beside him, his white robes fluttering from the cold aura he emanated as he observed their surroundings. Tang Wulin was filled with a  sense of security with Wu Zhangkong beside him.

“Follow me!” Wu Zhangkong strode forward. A ring of light rose with each step. Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black.

It wasn’t Tang Wulin’s first time seeing Wu Zhangkong’s soul rings. Nonetheless, he was still shaken.This is an expert! I wonder how long it will take me to reach six rings…