
Tang Wulin's dragon claw descended upon the Three-eyed Golden Lion's head.

Tang Wulin flew into the air high above the Three-eyed Golden Lion's head. Since Xu Xiaoyan's starwheel immobilized it, the lion couldn't do anything but watch as Tang Wulin swung his claw down at it.

He struck the lion's head, using his claw to spike it head-first into the ground. However, instead its crushing effect activating, the dragon claw rebounded off of the lion's head.

The Three-eyed Golden Lion crashed into the floor of the cave with a resounding boom, unconscious, but alive. For the moment.

"Captain!" Xie Xie hurriedly spoke up. "Don't destroy its head, it could leave us a soul skull."

Tang Wulin withdrew his claw, deciding not to follow up with another attack. Having struck the lion, he an odd hunch that the crushing effect wouldn't activate no matter what he did. It was undoubtedly the influence of the Auspicious Emperor's luck. It truly was a strange soul beast!