No Regrets!

Frozen in place, Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, Gu Yue, and Xu Xiaoyan saw the lion's maw open wide. In the next instant, a torrent of flames spewed forth.

I-it came back! That adult Three-eyed Golden Lion is back!

Do I regret this?

All four of them asked themselves the same thing as they were engulfed by in flames.

Tang Wulin resolved himself. No! I have no regrets. I'm lucky to have comrades like them.

Xie Xie had similar thoughts. I'm a man, and a man doesn't second-guess his decisions!

Gu Yue didn't have any regrets either. She felt perfectly calm. Renouncing the soul bone had been the easiest choice for her since she never wanted it in the first place.

Xu Xiaoyan was at ease. Like the others, she harbored no regrets.

Why would I regret anything? I already made my choice. At least the mom lion will be happy when she sees her child is fine. They're just data anyway. To us, this is just a virtual world… but to them, this is reality.