A Thousand Stones Breaks the Scythe

Xu Yucheng's Demon Scythe definitely had a long reach. In order to keep him from taking advantage of that, Tang Wuling threw his clawed fist straight at him.

Xu Yucheng, now recovered from the Purple Demon Eyes's spiritual attack, stared at Tang Wulin straight in the eye. He loosened his grip on his scythe and slid his hand up toward the blade's curved edge, then, his expression as impassive as ever, slashed at the incoming claw with his shortened scythe.

A crisp note rang through the air, and violet darkness ran up Tang Wulin's scaled arm. Xu Yucheng borrowed the force of their clash to jump backward.

However, he staggered a few times as he retreated. Clearly, he had underestimated Tang Wulin's strength.

Now that Xu Yucheng opened up some distance between them, it would be difficult for Tang Wulin to penetrate the range of the Demon Scythe again. He was disadvantaged in both reach and soul power.