One Versus One

"One versus one?" Wu Siduo stared at Gu Yue in astonishment.

She really wants to duel me one-on-one? Why is she so confident? Isn't she just a support-type?

"One-on-one." Gu Yue nodded.

"Alright," Wu Siduo coldly answered. Four soul rings rose from her feet. She lightly tapped the ground, then her figure became illusory as she dashed straight for Gu Yue.

She reached Gu Yue in an instant, black light flashing as she extended her claws and swiped down.

Tang Wulin stood away from the battlefield, watching attentively. During their brief alliance, he hadn't gotten a sense of Wu Siduo's abilities. Now that she released the brunt of her power onto Gu Yue though, he could see just how oppressive her speed and power were.

Despite Wu Siduo's speed, her attack failed.

A split-second before the claws could tear Gu Yue apart, silver light burst out, and she disappeared. Wu Siduo's claws slashed through nothing but air.