The Class Representatives

While the rest of the class filtered out of the room, Tang Wulin's eyes glimmered with doubt as they settled upon Wu Zhangkong, who had been silent throughout the assembly. However, Wu Zhangkong did not so much as twitch his fingers.

What's going on, Teacher Wu? You haven't taught us once since we got here.

It didn't make any sense to Tang Wulin, but he swallowed it up anyway, leaving quietly with Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan.

After stepping foot into the hall, Xie Xie broke into an immediate dash for his dorm He was eager to reflect upon what he had learned today, on the verge of making a breakthrough.

Xu Xiaoyan was the picture of uncertainty. "Captain, do you think I can thrive at Shrek? Everyone's so amazing here."