Divine Blacksmith Zhen Hua

"You sure have the cheek to threaten me!"

The entire room shook as the voice thundered through, splitting eardrums along the way. It was a peculiar-looking room, stretching over three hundred square meters in area and made entirely of metal. Be it the chair, the table, or the equipment, all of it was metal. It was a futuristic metal world in here.

The voice belonged to a tall man with long legs and lean muscles. His thick black hair accentuated his features, drawing out his chiseled jawline and fierce gaze. It was hard to guess his age from his appearance alone.

He didn't look to be more than thirty years old, but his eyes betrayed the wisdom of one had had experienced many decades. The hair at his temples was a snowy white, contrasting with the rest of his dark mane.

But most striking of all were his hands. They were much larger than an ordinary person's. The joints were inconspicuous, fair and slender like a maiden's, and his palms were as translucent as jade.