Xie Xie's Bravery

The moment Luo Guixing saw the golden grass covering the floor stir, he realized that it was a trap. Tang Wulin finally used his third soul skill. He teamed up with Gu Yue to deal with Wu Siduo!

Luo Guixing could teleport Wu Siduo back to his side with Spatial Retreat, but he couldn't use the soul skill continuously. If he teleported Wu Siduo back to him, then Xu Yucheng would be left isolated behind enemy lines! Conflicted about what to do, his decision came late. He chose to believe in Wu Siduo's strength and trust she could handle Tang Wulin and Gu Yue for a time. Then the sooner Xu Yucheng defeated Xie Xie, then the faster he could regroup with Wu Siduo to take care of Tang Wulin and Gu Yue. He ran some calculations in his head, and came to the conclusion that with Yang Nianxia, Zheng Yiran, and him backing the two up, victory was certain.

Xie Xie intercepted Xu Yucheng. Gu Yue's light attack had slowed the Immortal enough for him to catch up.