All Out

Rays of gold seeped into Xu Yucheng at an alarming rate, mixing with the darkness of his frail body and sending his muscles into a spasm. He collapsed onto the ground.

A moment later, Xie Xie sank to the floor as well. A beam of light enveloped his body and transported him out of the arena. His complexion could rival snow and pain seared every inch of his body, but a proud smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

If it were a one-on-one battle with more space to move around, it would have taken much longer to decide the battle. However, this was a team event! As such, he had succeeded in taking out Xu Yucheng!

A thundering explosion. Xie Xie flew backwards in the air and collided with the arena's barrier. He groaned, blood seeping out of his nose and mouth.

"You're too weak," said Yuanen Yehui, cold enough to freeze.

Xie Xie gritted his teeth as he struggled to stand. Without a word, he charged at her.