Battle Armor of Resplendent Light!

Upon closer inspection of Tang Wulin's golden claw, Yang Nianxia's pupils dilated, his jaw dropping in one undignified motion. A starry light manifested on the back of the claw and spread to his forearm. Once the light dimmed, it seemed apparent a transformation had occurred. An additional layer of golden scales peppered his forearm, three sharp blades protruding from the side.

The scale armor was imposing and valiant.

I-is that...

"Battle armor!" Countless people cried out in alarm off-stage.

It wasn't just any ordinary one-word battle armor either! It had arose from his body! That was possible with spirit refined two-word battle armor!

Wu Siduo froze in place as she raised her claw up to block his punch, a single thought permeating the fabric of her mind. He did it! He really did it!

It wasn't just spirit refined two-word battle armor that could appear from one's body. One-word armor made of spirit alloys also had that feature!