The Raging Yuanen

He witnessed Yuanen Yehui stretching her body at the exact moment he had arrived. Although it was only for a split second, it was at that moment that he felt a gush of blood rushing to his brain. His disappointing nose just had to bleed that one drop of blood before he could quietly retreat.

All of this resulted in Yuanen Yehui's storm-like attacks.

Xie Xie groaned and complained in his heart. He understood Yuanen Yehui's temperament very well. The event earlier had to take place just when they had reconciled their relationship. Moreover, he truly felt like he was treated unjustly!

'Who would have thought Yuanen Yehui would take a bath in the courtyard? Why was she not bathing in her room? She must be doing this intentionally.'

Could Yuanen Yehui stop attacking for a moment and discuss this reasonably with him? The answer was certainly negative.