The Poor, Unfortunate Child

A hint of astonishment flashed past Yuanen Yehui's eyes as she looked at Tang Wulin. 'This guy's power seemed to have grown even stronger.' Although she had weakened her attack earlier, he had resisted her attack a little too easily.

Tang Wulin said, "Yuanen, stop fighting first. We should straighten the story out before we discuss any further. What did Xie Xie do to offend you this time?"

Yuanen Yehui retorted fiercely, "It's all because of you."

She picked up her clean clothes from the side as she turned around and ran away.

Tang Wulin turned around. As the golden scales faded away soundlessly, he stared at Xie Xie curiously. "What happened? Everything was fine. Why did Yuanen suddenly throw such a huge fit?"

Xie Xie gave a forced laugh before he replied, "I saw something I shouldn't have seen." He quickly explained the situation that had taken place earlier.