Traveling with Gu Yue

Tang Wulin was looking forward to their little outing when he thought about the fact that Gu Yue would be going with him. Teacher Wu had already gotten him a mecha identification card. He would finally be able to drive a mecha outside at last. He felt happy just thinking about driving a mecha to sight-see. Coincidentally, he could bring another person along with a mecha.

Special Cultivation Venue.

Tang Wulin sat cross-legged and as a faint bluish glow surrounded him, blades of Bluesilver Grass wriggled beside him like little snakes.

Goldsong lied silently beside him with bluish striations appearing on its golden body. Its body was a few centimeters longer than before and was now more than a meter and a half in length. Although it was still slender, its aura was much darker, and its scales were much more beautiful than before.

As Tang Wulin's first and only spirit soul for now, it was quickly improving alongside the improvements Tang Wulin made in his cultivation base.