Tang Wulin’s Mecha

After breakfast, Tang Wulin took Gu Yue out. They then hailed a rental soul car and headed straight to Tang Sect.

The mecha was too large, and it was not something that could be stored in their storage unit. In reality, most of the mechas owned by mecha masters needed a special place to park and maintain them. Only mecha masters who were exceptionally strong and rich could equip themselves with the storage soul large enough to fit a mecha. For the time being, Tang Wulin did not have this amount of spare money, and it was unnecessary for him to get such an expensive soul storage tool just for a yellow mecha.

The car arrived at Tang Sect, and the duo disembarked.

"I'm going in to grab something. Then, we'll head to Heaven Dou City," Tang Wulin smiled as he spoke to Gu Yue.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the entrance." Although Gu Yue was unfamiliar with the rules of the Tang Sect, it was obviously inappropriate for an outsider like her to enter a sect she did not belong to.