Riding the Mecha Together

Wu Zhangkong had directly applied for the permit through Shrek Academy. However, it was only granted after taking the fact that Wu Zhangkong was an honorary citizen of Heaven Dou City into account, along with Mo Wu's help and guarantee. The value this card had far exceeded the mecha.

However, Tang Wulin was oblivious to all these things. With this card, his lowly yellow mecha could traverse unhindered across the continent. Naturally, the only condition was that he could not commit any wrongdoings. At the first sign of trouble, his Mecha Identification Card would be confiscated, and he would be blacklisted.

Wu Zhangkong did not emphasize this matter to Tang Wulin, because he believed that his disciple would never commit such a rookie mistake.

"Off we go!" Tang Wulin turned and said to Gu Yue who was only inches away from him.