Evil Spirit Forging

Lin Yuhan subconsciously lifted her head and looked at Tang Wulin's progress.

'He actually started forging with the metal without first testing it?' Shock ran through her mind as she thought to herself.

It was true. Tang Wulin had initiated Spirit Forging without any preparatory techniques.

He immediately struck the Heavy Silver hard with the hammer he picked up in his right hand. Next, he turned his body and another strike came down with the hammer in his left hand.

Although he was not as fast as when he forged the Blue Coppertite earlier, each strike was increasingly harder.

Using his left hand as an axis, his body did not stop turning. With every turn, both hammers would strike down like a meteor shower before he turned his body again by using the force from the rebound as an aid.

A sense of fear suddenly flashed through Chang Gongyan's eyes. 'Could it be…'

'Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer! It's probably the Tang Sect's Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer.'

"Bang! Bang!"