A Trace of the Enemy

At that exact moment, a gigantic hand appeared out of nowhere and captured the scarlet glow.

By then, someone had noticed that the scarlet glow was actually a thin scarlet sword. As soon as the gigantic hand touched it, the sword was instantly recalled, disappearing suddenly without even revealing itself.

Surprisingly, Uncle Chef was the one who stopped the scarlet glow.

He scoffed as he flashed and disappeared from where he stood in pursuit of the enemy.

An overbearing imposing manner was instantly felt as a bright, red glow emanated from Zhen Hua's body. His strong suppressive aura enveloped the whole area.

Tang Wulin's eyes had opened from shock earlier, and he happened to witness Zhen Hua release his four-word battle armor beside Tang Wulin.

It seemed as if his entire being sunk into the armor and before long, his body was already covered in the glorious battle armor. His terrifying imposing manner almost made the building tremble.