The Gates of Hell

Both their bodies shot backward. The complete set of one-word battle armor had closed the gap between their strengths. Yuanen Yehui no longer had much of an advantage in terms of strength.

Dai Yueyan's body glittered. He advanced with Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track as his pair of tiger claws' sharp blades danced in the air. He unleashed a heavy assault on Yuanen Yehui.

With her Demon Titan and her battle armor, Yuanen Yehui fought safely and steadily. She was as stable as Mount Tai. Her large hands unleashed Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon as she tried her utmost to diminish her opponent's agility advantage.

Dai Yueyan was disheartened when he was suppressed by her. Currently, he regained the upper hand after going through many challenges. His attacking form became more ferocious. Yuanen Yehui could not help but retreat slowly. She was suppressed by him until she had difficulty breathing.