I Yield

Yuanen Yehui was also on the move. Her body flashed and she leaped into the air with the Shadow Demon Sword in her hands. She slashed the sword in Dai Yueyan's direction, and a crescent-shaped purplish-black energy blade was instantly upon him.

Dai Yueyan swept his right Tiger Claw. The tips of his claw showed their abilities to their fullest extent as he blocked the attack of the Demon Shadow Sword. However, the demonized Yuanen Yehui vanished and reappeared in front of him. A purple soul ring rippled around her body.

Immediately, Dai Yueyan felt his body weakening. Even his battle armor did not block the effects of her soul skill.

This was the Weakness Curse!

Dai Yueyan spread his claws and slashed at her again, but Yuanen Yehui only smiled slightly and said with a gentle tone, "Can you do it?"

Her voice was sweet and moving. It sounded like stimulating music to his ears.

She had used the Demon's Voice Fills the Mind!