Third Golden Soul Ring

Lin San was similarly struck, as well as Dai Yueyan and Hua Lantang. All four of their bodies were frozen stiff.

The Starwheel Ice Staff was shimmering with dazzling radiance. This was the first time Xu Xiaoyan had ever completely unleashed her control ability in Star Luo Empire. She was unleashing her third soul skill which was known as the Dazzling Starlight, an extensive control soul skill.

Even though she could only exercise control for a short period, the paralyzing impact it imparted gave Long Yue a headache.

"Boom…" Yuanen Yehui flung the giant hammer as it appeared out of thin air. The hammer was in her Devil Titan's right hand and swept across horizontally. Just as Dai Yueyan was recovering from Dazzling Starlight, he watched helplessly as the giant hammer was almost upon him. He had no choice but to urge his battle armor's defense to come to the rescue.

"Boom…" Dai Yueyan was thrown away.