Earth Element Imprisonment

In that instant, the phantom image of a pair of golden feathered wings spreading out behind a ginormous golden dragon emerged on Tang Wulin's back out of thin air. The golden dragon's shadow with its wings spread out was over thirty meters wide. Its gigantic head was no less inferior to the Overlord Dragon's.

All the soul masters on the competition stage sank into a catatonic state momentarily except for Gu Yue who was still chanting during that split second when it appeared.

Long Yue who stood in front of Tang Wulin was affected the most. The wild redness vanished turning Long Yue's eyes crystal clear once again. The soul skill he was launching vanished instantly while the six soul rings on his body all dimmed at once.

The Golden Dragon Spear flashed once and lashed onto Long Yue's shoulder in a forceful attempt to bring his body crashing down onto the ground.