Brother Three

The dragon cloud descended from the skies. Dai Yun'er was all excited and ready to absorb the energy within the dragon cloud. Jjust when the black dragon cloud was about to touch her, all of a sudden, it split in the middle and went past her.

She turned around and was shocked to see the two masses of black clouds surged directly into Tang Wulin to reemerge on the other side of his body. The black cloud was tainted with a dash of gold, and it stirred up a breeze as it rose back to the sky.

"You've stolen my dragon cloud. You liar, your martial soul is also of the darkness attribute!" When Dai Yun'er saw that her great opportunity was lost, she was terribly upset.

"Firstly, you've never asked about the attribute of my martial soul. Secondly, am I truly a darkness-attribute?" Tang Wulin pointed behind her.

Dai Yun'er instinctively turned around to look. Her pupils dilated instantly, and her delicate face was filled with incredulity.

What was that?