Brother Three! You're So Amazing!

Aided by his Golden Dragon King bloodline, the speed at which Dai Yun'er absorbed the dragon soul was greatly increased, as Tang Wulin unintentionally discovered. With the help of his bloodline aura, the low-level dragon souls disintegrated obediently and fused with Dai Yun'er after being purified.

With her body strengthened, Dai Yun'er's entire petite frame seemed to be much livelier. She was not so easily exhausted anymore, nor did she have any need to eat.

After half an hour, Dai Yun'er leaped from the ground. She had reached a full four or five meters up before slowly floating down like a falling leaf.

Even though she did not have the support of her soul power, she could still leap that high. It was purely physical prowess!

"Amazing, amazing! Brother Three, you're amazing!" Dai Yun'er suddenly pounced on Tang Wulin and landed a kiss on his mask. He was so frightened that he took a few steps back.