Their Departure

Gu Yue sighed. "However, you should also know that no matter how hard it is, you don't have an energy source, so you're destined to return. Otherwise, you'll only vanish into thin air. You said it before that I'm you and you're mine when you've returned to me. I'll let go of everything. Since the flaw has already turned into a rift, then we shall accept this rift together. Perhaps, everything will be different now."

The silvery white silhouettes overlapped. Na'er and Gu Yue spread out their arms as the two silhouettes began to slowly fuse together. Gu Yue's black hair vanished while her black eyes turned purple. Na'er's child-like look disappeared as she slowly grew in size.

Once the two of them looked completely identical and had transformed into the Dragon Spear Goddess, who was three years older, the silver light suddenly vanished with a flash into the silent Sea God Lake.