Without A Trace

Gu Yue had only just called via the soul communicator informing him of her departure when Tang Wulin received such a letter from Yun Ming. His joy and happiness in the early morning had all gone in a split second. It was as if someone had poured a basin full of cold water onto his head.

Two of the most important women in his life had left without a word.

"It's all your fault. It was you who drove her away with sadness. If I can't find Na'er, humph!" Yun Ming gave a cold grunt. It felt like the entire Sea God's Island was trembling.

Tang Wulin gave himself a tight slap with a crisp clapping sound. It was true that he did enjoy a moment of an emotional flare-up with Gu Yue last night such that he neglected his sister. How could he not suffer from pain and sorrow because of this?

However, his eyes calmed down swiftly after he struck himself despite leaving behind a bright red handprint on his cheek.