The Spear’s Consciousness

"They're both waiting for the opportunity to unleash their soul skills, victory or defeat will be determined then. The opponent is too powerful. Although the third battalion commander's technique is impressive, the opponent is still able to respond accordingly. Did you see that? He can divert his direction multiple times when he's using the propeller. The left and right sway earlier was brilliant. I would've surely been struck by the third battalion commander if it were me."

"Who's the opponent? I'm sure he's not from our side. No one here is taking part in the mecha battle using a spear as a weapon. Moreover, no one is at the third battalion commander's level! The third battalion commander's close combat skill is top in our Iron Blood Battalion. The first battalion commander will need to use brute force if he wishes to defeat him."

"What do you mean by brute force?" Jiang Wuyue's dissatisfied voice was heard.