Leave Application: Success

Tang Wulin exhaled and stretched his body. He went to have a meal upon leaving the cabin.

He spotted Jiang Wuyue at first glance when he arrived at the canteen. Jiang Wuyue was surrounded by a boisterous crowd as they were completely engaged in a conversation.

Tang Wulin walked over in long strides and patted Jiang Wuyue's back.

"Brother, having a meal huh?" Jiang Wuyue immediately smiled when he turned around and saw that it was Tang Wulin.

The other close combat soldiers who surrounded Jiang Wuyue smiled upon seeing Tang Wulin. They were smiling with admiration and respect.

Tang Wulin was only a second lieutenant, but he had worked together with Jiang Wuyue to resist the enemy in a recent battle. The memory of how Tang Wulin amplified the soldiers' abilities through his Golden Dragon Rage Domain was still fresh in their minds.