Father, Let’s Go Home

The closer he got, the more he longed for Gu Yuena.

Relying on his memory for directions, he charged into the basin and sprinted toward the little yard he rented earlier. He had almost reached it when an emerald light suddenly flashed and a spot of light flew toward him.

Tang Wulin smiled faintly. He swiped his hand and caught the Emerald Demon Bird that had flown toward him.

The Emerald Demon Bird squawked twice with dissatisfaction, but it was ignored by Tang Wulin.

He had left Gu Yuena alone here. The Emerald Demon Bird was the reason why he was not worried that she would be in trouble. The combat strength of the Emerald Demon Bird was definitely more powerful than a Soul Emperor. If he had not donned his battle armor, he might not have been able to fend it off. With its protection of Gu Yuena, he naturally had nothing to fear.