
Tang Wulin walked out of the house and took deep breaths to calm his emotions. He shut the door before making his way out of the Fire Basin.

In front of the window, a pair of wet and bleary eyes were fixed on his receding back. The Emerald Demon Bird was perched on her shoulder as it curled its feathers slightly.

Silver light flickered, and her figure disappeared silently as well.

It was already late in the night when Tang Wulin reached the Blood God Army. He returned to the dorms, but his mind was filled with her silhouette.

It was only after he produced his Golden Dragon Spear and felt the influence of the Spear's Consciousness did he gradually ease into meditation.

Reluctance to let go led to anxiety. He was already looking forward to their next meeting.

As long as he could obtain good rankings from the competition to make his way up to the ranks of a major, he would be able to meet her often. 'Work hard, I'll have to work harder!'