Hell Evil Dragon Emperor

Sima Jinchi was even more surprised to find that his sea of spirit became clearer in an instant. Indeed, everything in his surroundings seemed to turn clearer. He had already achieved the spiritual cultivation base of Half Step Spirit Domain, so it was extremely difficult even if he wished to advance by just a little. Yet, Tang Wulin's one strike managed to elevate his soul power and spiritual power along with the elevation of his Dragon Slaying Saber.

'How? How is that possible? What's happening here?'

Even after being blasted away, Sima Jinchi felt that the level of shock he felt in his heart at present was beyond comparison. In other words, even if he did manage to elevate in a battle, it would only affect his experience and skills, but not his soul power or spiritual power. Perhaps it would be possible to elevate his spiritual power due to external stimulation, but his soul power would never do so.