Have I Won?

In a split second, the entire competition stage ruptured with countless rifts crisscrossing every corner of the stage. The tattered patterns, swirling and winding, raged wildly across the stage as the giant purple saber descended from the sky.

There was no crashing sound, but the entire stage seemed to have collapsed at the moment. The protective, energy shield on the competition stage disintegrated as well.

The audience watching the competition did not cheer aloud but gasped in surprise instead. The audience who were seated close to the stage were pulverized into powder.

With the competition stage as its center, a massive light orb floated above while the terrifying explosions continued to shake and erupt over the stage.

At least half of the attending audience died within seconds of the explosions. They were blasted into powder which scattered all over, akin to the heavenly maids scattering flowers, amidst the booming noise.