It Is A ‘Very Good’ Place

Tang Wulin rapidly calculated the gains and losses of this battle in his mind. His Spirit Domain spiritual power made him feel as if he could gain complete control over the entire scene and he could remember every detail of the battle clearly. 

He had been growing all along. His growth rate had accelerated greatly, especially after the battle with the abyssal plane. He was growing so quickly it was shocking.

Luo Guixing and the rest who were originally itching to spar with Tang Wulin immediately dismissed the idea after witnessing the battle between him and Wu Zhangkong. If Teacher Wu was incapable of defeating him, how could they possibly be worthy opponents?

Tang Wulin recounted his journey simply upon reuniting with his classmates. When the group of people learned that the Atlas Douluo sacrificed his life selflessly in order to protect them, the group fell into complete silence.