Taking The First Step

Tang Wulin's efforts to help Wu Siduo and the rest to forge three-word battle armor metals were also an opportunity for him to practice soul-forging and take his skills one step further. 

Tang Wulin spoke to Yang Nianxia, "I'll figure out a way to do your battle armor, but you are in charge of the armor for our junior disciple brothers and sisters. You're already a rank-5 blacksmith now. There's no other way to elevate yourself other than more practice. I'll supply you with adequate rare metals."

"Sure." Yang Nianxia was overjoyed. Of course, he hoped that he eventually could forge the metals for his battle armor by himself. He was already a rank-5 blacksmith, so he was certainly still very passionate about forging. Tang Wulin supplying him with the required rare metals would be the best option. His skills at forging were hindered mostly because he was running out of materials.