Old Tang Has Awakened

After learning of this, Qiangu Dongfeng was immediately overjoyed and he brought Gu Yuena to the auction at once. 

Naturally, given his self-serving motives, he spared no effort in cultivating Gu Yuena in such a manner. Besides Gue Yuena, of the four great spiriters of the Spirit Pagoda, the second youngest spiriter was named Qiangu Zhangting and he was also his grandson. He was thirty-one years old this year and a Title Douluo. 

Qiangu Zhangting could be described as the most outstanding talent of the Qiangu Clan in recent years. Qiangu Dongfeng had also put great effort into cultivating him as his successor. 

Ever since the Qiangu Clan had taken important positions and developed for so many years, the Spirit Pagoda's electoral system only existed in name. It was completely within the Qiangu Clan's control. 

As Qiangu Dongfeng's oldest grandchild, Qiangu Zhangting had been groomed to become his eventual successor.