The Fusion of the Universe

Tang Wulin suddenly felt a scorching sensation in his sea of spirit. Everything in the surroundings turned misty gold. Soon after, he felt the initially cool Boundless Universe Crystal stuck firmly between his brows as if it was glued to his forehead. 

His spiritual power had already achieved the Spirit Domain realm so the massive amount seemed like a sea of spiritual power. At the moment, he felt the boundless spiritual fluctuation bursting out in his mind. 

As he held the Boundless Universe Crystal against the area between his brows, he could clearly sense the crystal undergoing a transformation. He was astonished that the Boundless Universe Crystal was shrinking. It was about the size of his palm initially, but it had now turned into the size of a longan fruit. A moment later, it turned into a nail. 

At the same time, Tang Wulin discovered that he could not move his body. Apart from being able to think, it felt as if everything else had been frozen.