
After some of the culprits were tracked down and arrested in Skysea City, the city had gradually loosened its security. Martial law was abolished, but the strict and thorough checks on everyone going in or out of Skysea City through the various transportation hubs continued. They did not want the same thing to happen again.

The mothership fleet on the sea's surface tightened its defenses. Various radars were activated as they scanned their surroundings to ensure that there would not be any problems.

The reason why the surprise attack had succeeded before this was closely related to the malfeasance of the Radar Detection Department. The related personnel had been court-martialed. The Boundless Sea Douluo, Battle God Hall's Hall Master Chen Xinjie took a personal interest in this case. There was no use in trying to plead for mercy. The related personnel would be judged shortly and they would be dealt with severely.